
We are a collaboration of government officials and international NGO's, working together towards the goal of no human rabies deaths in Cambodia.

The problem:

  • Cambodia has one of the highest estimated rabies deaths per capita than any other country in the world
  • 99% of all human rabies deaths are caused by an infected dog bite
  • It is estimated that 600,000 people are bitten by dogs every year in Cambodia but not all can receive post-bite treatment

Our approach:

  • Canine rabies vaccination is the most cost efficient method of preventing human deaths from rabies
  • 85% of dogs are owned in Cambodia, therefore education is vital for successful rabies prevention
  • Education on rabies, bite wound treatment and bite prevention gives communities the tools they need to protect themselves from this deadly virus
  • Since 2020, GDAHP, Mission Rabies, Institut Pasteur du Cambodge, Animal Rescue Cambodia and Phnom Penh Animal Welfare Society have been working in Phnom Penh to identify rabid animals through human dog bite incidents
  • Now we are working with even more local stakeholders to vaccinate over 70% of the canine population of Phnom Penh Province. This is the required vaccination coverage needed to build herd immunity.